

Weightless in each other’s arms
We’re behind the curtains of our eyelids
Drinking away nameless poems
Never read out loud

I ask you to throw away
Sweet lullabies into the void
White feathers of boredom
That you feel obliged to carry

We become a phobia
Pulsating with fear
Intruders of dreams

I want to imprint the kiss of awakening
Onto your lips
Taking sips of magic as we coexist
Under the Northern Lights

I love the particles
Of the aura of your smile

Kiss me
My lips are the laughter that storms the void out
My lips are the thunder on a hot July day
The wave, crashing and crumbling
My lips are Truth

Kiss me
My heart looks dark at first
Look deeper
There’s an iridescent purple sheen
Inviting you to wander
The depths of existence
Of trust and freedom

Through battles,
I gave birth to myself
So can you.

Olga Gojnić